Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scary Storms Last Night

First of all, Clayton and I are both just fine and no damage to our house! Phew!

Well, if anyone doesn't know, we are moving to York in the fall for Darrel's new job as a math teacher at York Middle School and the High School - really our dream come true. Well, our house has been on the market since April 1st but it still hasn't sold, but starting this week, Darrel is sort of going to York without Clayton and me. He will be working on the farm and helping with York's wrestling program (staying with his parents).

So last night, he left after Clayton was in bed. And then we got some severe storms. We (Buffalo County) were in a Tornado Warning and the sirens were going off, this was about a quarter to 9pm. Our house has no basement, so we had discussed that in this type of situation, we would get into one of the clothes closets and shut the door. Without Darrel here, I am in near panic! I can recall the tornadoes that came through Kearney, about this time in May 2008, the month before we got married, and several buildings within blocks of where I was at that time were destroyed. Would I be that lucky this time? I remember thinking that my worst nightmare was coming true - our house will be leveled by the tornado and we will be homeless with a baby. Except it wasn't we, it was just I. Reluctant to wake up Clayton, I had the flashlight and a stocked diaper bag in the closet and turned off the computer and sat on the edge of the couch on high alert watching the local weather reports and radar, nervously glancing out the window. One of the last things I remember them saying before we lost power at about 9:05pm was that there had been several tornadoes spotted in Kearney and that you did NOT want to be on the west side of your house right now, with winds that strong, it would blow the hail right through your windows. Luckily we don't have any windows on the west side of our house and I hadn't seen that we had gotten any hail. But with the power out and no TV to keep me updated on the storm, I grabbed Clayton out of his crib and sat in the closet. I sat there until about 9:20pm when Darrel confirmed to me via text message that Kearney was out of the tornado warning and the worst of the storm had passed over us. So I gently put Clayton back in his crib - he had never even woke up through this whole ordeal by the way. I even bumped his head on the plastic drawers in our closet a couple of times while I was trying to get situated and he never did more than stir a little, what a little stinker! : ) Our power came back on about 10:00pm (which was good since my phone had been beeping low battery most of this whole time). So crisis averted we are all safe and sound, but of course still missing Darrel (daddy).

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