Sunday, May 1, 2011

Favorite Foods

Clayton's favorite food is probably butternut squash. I don't know if it is because the puree I made of it is so smooth or if he just really loves the flavor, but he will eat more of that than anything else. He is also really enjoying the cinnamon I have been putting in his applesauce (I'm just using regular, unsweetened applesauce at this point - it's so much cheaper than baby food and zero work for me). He also really likes sweet potatoes, and those I just mashed with a potato masher so it has a little more texture. He will even eat peas and spinach if I mix it into the potatoes. He will also eat a lot of green beans, but I have never made those myself, only bought baby food. Soon, I may try giving him so pieces of whole, cooked green beans and see how he does with that.

Another food item that I use is "Baby Mum-Mums." It's basically a rice cake for babies! I did try a bite and they taste the same and dissolve so easily that he can safely gum off a chunk, dissolve and swallow it. He does so good with it and is learning how to eat more and more of the same piece after the easy-to-get-in-my-mouth end is gone. This has been a great tool for me, too. I give it to him while I am getting he cereal or other food ready and then he doesn't get impatient and bored while he waits for me!

We've also tried the sippy cup with some half-strength apple juice a few times. I'm not sure that he is quite ready for it yet since we don't us a bottle much, he doesn't completely understand the concept. I'll just try every now and then and he will learn eventually!

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