Thursday, June 28, 2012

MM - lunch!

Here is Clayton saying "cheese" when instructed to do so all covered in peanut butter jelly sandwich and M&Ms (pronounced "meows" if your name is Clayton) in his mouth! Notice that he is no longer sit in the high chair - it's a booster seat for this big boy!

Meanwhile, here is Reese - much happier if he can have access to his feet these days!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Puppy Towel

Reese after a bath with his cute puppy towel!

Remember Clayton and his awesome Lion towel? He was 3 months old when we took this. (We still use it, it's just hard/impossible to get a good picture of Clayton with it now!)

Friday, June 22, 2012

A year ago today . . .

A year ago today we found out we were expecting a new baby! While apprehensive at first, I now can not imagine our lives with out our sweet bundle of Reese! He is such a good baby and it is a joy to see him learn and grow and watch his brother play.

This week in June is a big time in our lives as far as milestones go. It was 5 years ago that Darrel proposed:
June 25, 2007

It was 4 years ago that we said "I do" and became husband and wife:
June 20, 2008

 It was 2 year ago we found out that Clayton was going to be a boy:
June 10, 2010
And then finally told everyone on our 2nd Anniversary and Father's Day (they were the same day that year):
Boy or Girl? June 20, 2010
BOY!! June 20, 201
 It's been a special time of year for us! Nothing new this year though, hopefully things can be wonderfully uneventful for a while!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Picture edits

Here two recent pictures that I took the time to doctor up a bit using the editing tools in Picasa:

Clayton at Pawnee Lake Memorial Day weekend

Reese and Mommy

Monday, June 18, 2012

Clayton Stuck in the Walker

Clayton can usually climb in and out of the walker by himself, but sometimes he gets stuck. Tee hee!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Silly Expressions by Reese

It's been a while since I pulled out my camera or made a post! Here are some cute shots of Reese on his playmat making funny faces for the camera!

And being sweet with Mommy

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cousin Play!

We had a fun family get together day today. Clayton had fun playing with his cousins. Here are some pictures of him playing T-ball with his cousin Ali (1st cousin once removed actually since she is Darrel's cousin).

Then they thought it was fun to throw the bat in the water
 Then they sort of fought over the bat:

 Then they put the whole assembly in the pool . . . and water T-ball was invented!

Friday, June 8, 2012

New T-Ball

My parents came yesterday to visit and brought Clayton a t-ball set.

He really enjoys it and maybe some day he will hold the right end of the bat!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grandma's Pool

Clayton loves to go to grandma's house more than ever now since she has a little wade pool for him to play in!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

4 Month Stats and Videos

Reese had a great check up this morning, and is really growing. He now weighs 13lbs 10oz and is 24.5 inches long! Of course the doctor said it was OK to start him on rice cereal now, but I'm think I will wait a couple more weeks. I always wished I would have waited longer with Clayton, so I think I'll wait a little longer - maybe 2 weeks at least.

Here is some adorable video of him yesterday during our photo shoot trying to blow raspberries back at me.

Some more of his cute pictures!
Such pretty bright eyes!

But it is hard to get a good picture with his hands in his mouth all the time, so mommy holds them down!

So happy!
And some more adorable video of him playing in his walker yesterday afternoon.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

4 Months!

I have a lot of good video from today too, I will work on them and try to post more tomorrow after his doctor's appointment and then I'll have his monthly stats too! : )

Sunday, June 3, 2012

On Thursday . . .

On Thursday morning Clayton did the one thing that I was sure he would never ever do! He actually just fell asleep on the floor!! He woke up at ten till 6 that morning (when I had to get up and feed Reese, I'm sure that disturbed him) and he did not go back to sleep. Later in the morning I tried putting the movie Tarzan in (instead of Cars) while I nursed Reese. I looked at Clayton and suddenly realized that he had actually fallen asleep around 10am. He slept there for about an hour. I guess it was a really boring movie!!