Monday, July 29, 2013

Pumping Iron and a Black Eye

I know it's early, but we have to get started prepping Clayton for his athletic career sometime, and there is no time like the present, right? So he went to pump some iron with his Daddy and Uncle Ty this afternoon! ;)

Clayton pumping Iron with Uncle Ty! ;)

(Oh and the picture was taken with Daddy's new Smart Phone!)

And don't worry this black eye was in no way related to the weight lifting! Reese tripped on a pillow and slammed his little eye into the corner of a coffee table this weekend when were staying at the cabin on Johnson Lake. Poor little guy! But it does make him look tough!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Big Day at the Lincoln Children's Museum

The boys and I had planned to go to the Zoo in Lincoln yesteday but since it was so stormy we opted for the (indoor) Children's Museum instead. The boys had a blast. So much fun in fact that we left to eat lunch with Aunt Amy on her lunch break from work and then went BACK and played until almost 3pm! The boys (and mommy and Grandma Dianne were exhausted to say the least)

Here's a ton of cute pictures and three short little videos!
Reese with his face smashed up against the Tree House window

Clayton made it out of the Tree House with out Grandma or I noticing and we couldn't find him for several min. We found him here, playing with these trucks of course!

Little stinker thinks he's being naughty climbing on the tire!

Peek! Climbing through the Prairie Dog tunnels

Again, pushing buttons, thinks he's being naughty!

Clayton and Reese are ready to take your luggage to the Air Plane!

Oh and Clayton is the Pilot, too!

Reese playing "peek" through the escape hatch on the Lunar Lander

Clayton riding on the horse

Reese is trying to steer with the handle on the saddle

Sitting in the tractor watching a video of a corn harvest

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Block Towers!

Block Towers are meant for knocking down of course! My parents and sister came to spend the day with us on Saturday, partly for a family reunion here in town and because it was Grandpa Mark's birthday last Friday so we celebrated that too.

Here comes Wreck It Reese!

We couldn't believe that Clayton just head-butted the block tower like this! It was much funnier the first time he did it, but this is still good!

Here are some snapshots from the day:
Clayton reading a book with Grandma Dianne
Reese bouncing with Grandpa Mark

Doing puzzles and the beloved BUS with Aunt Amy

Waiting (not so) patiently to knock it down

Being Silly with Grandma Dianne


Reese being a wiggle worm!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Corn on the Cob!

We had corn on the cob for supper on Thursday night after we got some from the local farmers' market. We had never had any with the boys before, so it was a new treat. It was so good that everyone enjoyed it! Even Mr. Picky (Clayton) tried it. I know I saw a couple of kernels in his mouth!! Reese ate about half of the half ear that I gave him! Good job boys!!

Checking out Daddy's eaten ear of corn
Finally taking a bite out of his own ear of corn


So by some sort of miracle Clayton decided to try the corn. I just gave him the rest of Reese's when he was done because Clayton probably hasn't tried a new food for over a year. (He only quits eating food he use to like, never tries anything new). But Clayton did try the corn, and I know he ate some and swallowed it. I was very proud. Hopefully he will turn a corner here in the food department!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Reese at the Lake

The last morning we were there it was overcast which is the perfect lighting for pictures. Reese decided to be a photogenic cutie pie and posed on the steps leading down to the dock for me. He is so sweet!

Here is is running towards the dock. I love how he runs all pell-mell, full steam ahead!
I guess Daddy will need to work on Reese's running form. .  . hahaha

I just love the little tuft of blonde hair sticking up!


Blowing raspberries

Looking at the water lapping the rocks

And throwing a tantrum on the dock

Monday, July 15, 2013

A few from the Lake

All of the Lake pictures are little overwhelming for me right now, but I keep picking through them. These were just some of what I have worked on and my favorites right now. There are more!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sorry I have been delinquent with posting again! We just got back from a 2 night, 3 day little vacation at Johnson Lake with Grandma and Grandpa Branz! I will have lots of fun pictures to post very soon. In the mean time, here are the boys at their house one night last week.

Watching Pooh with a Life Sized Pooh!
And Reese had a grand time exploring Grandma's cupboards. I only had to clean up crushed crackers and dumped oatmeal twice. . .

Notice all the boxes of snacks up out of reach?

Trying to Climb in!

Making and then watching the mixing bowl spin around

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July Celebrations

We had most of our holiday fun with the boys on Wednesday night, the 3rd, since that is when York had their big show we let them stay up late to watch that and just but them to bed at the normal time last night since they were still so exhausted.

We played outside waiting for it to get dark:

In our front yard I have a butterfly that is solar powered and lights up after dark. Of course the boys are usually in bed when it is dark enough to light up during the summer, so they were really fascinated with it. I clearly don't know enough about my camera settings because I just could capture it the way I could see it, but here is my feeble attempt

Then finally when it was dark enough, we just stroller-ed down to the corner to watch the big display.

I guess Clayton got a little bored waiting for the show to start:

Here is a better one with no fingers in noses!

Here is the back of Clayton's head watching the show! Too bad the power lines are in the way of a good photo!

So Happy (late) Independence Day from the Branz Family!