Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Little Helpers!

Clayton loves to work and help! Monday, when daddy parked his wheel barrel next to this fence post (to dig out the dirt and add concrete) Clayton right away parked his right next to daddy's and dug right in to help (pun intended).

Reese helped to and they actually did help scoop out quite a bit of dirt!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Reese's new Bike!

I hardly know where to start, I haven't made a post in so long. It's getting harder and harder to find time on the lap top, and making blog posts from my phone is not ideal. I guess the biggest news recently, is that the ripe old age of two, Reese has mastered pedaling his bike! So we did have to go buy him one (I was secretly hoping we could wait until Clayton needed to go up a size in bikes, but that is clearly not ever going to be the case)! It is really nice having both of them on bikes to go for bike rides around the block, or even just in circles around the backyard!