Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Happy Birthday to Wyatt!

Wyatt is one today! And we had such a fun and busy day! He slept in till after 8 and eventually Mommy had to go wake him up! Then we had french toast and peaches for breakfast, yum yum!!

After breakfast we played with Harvey and Clayton and Reese (so fun for Wyatt that his brothers were home to celebrate with him today! They even sang happy birthday to him when he woke up and I thought I'd recorded it, but it didn't take one, so sad.) We even all went to Walmart together before lunch!

His gift from Grandpa Mark and Grandma Dianne
His voice is so soft, it's hard to hear in the video, but he does have a new thing he likes to say; "uh oh" it's so cute. He loves to drop things and then say that, especially his food off his highchair! I've also heard him trying to say things like "all done" and "more." He still says no, and I think he's saying something for "bye bye" but it's coming out with more of a "d" sound and sounding more like "dada." He seems to pronounce his vowels really differently, saying "Na" and "ma" for No and More. It will be interesting to see how his speech develops. He also makes monkey noises, but says it backwards from how I do, I say "ooo ooo ah ah" but he says "ah ah ooo ooo."

Trying to pose him with his giant puppy (whom we've named Rider)

But he's just to wiggly! (and cute)

After an awesome afternoon nap from 1-4 (we are working hard on getting the 1 nap schedule figured out and this has been the best day so far) we got to play outside!
"My mom put me in this car, I don't know why. . ."

Super excited to be playing this his brothers!

Then after a yummy super with his family he got to enjoy a little more of his birthday cake. And then we rushed off to church for Ash Wednesday services (which as a side note, Reese was very disappointed that there wasn't any donuts or Sunday School afterwards). What a fun birthday for a special little dude!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Birthday Party for Reese and Wyatt

On Sunday we had a big birthday party for Reese's 4th and Wyatt's 1st Birthday. We did a robot theme which was so cute and fun and we had it in the gym at Emmanuel again like we did for the big party in October. Mommy was brave and also invited some friends this time, and it was a big hit. Clayton is already talking about how he wants his next party to be just like that one with all the same friends! It's a lot of work, but that really makes it all worth it! <3

We had good food, including robot snacks for the kids.
Robots made from a juice box, raisin boxes for feet, smarty arms and fruit cup heads with spoon antenna. I even hot glued on some googly eyes!

Carrots, "computer chips" and also "nuts and bolts" snack mix
There was lots to do as well - of course balloons were all around and the huge empty space in the gym, the kids just ran around and had a blast! There were also some robot coloring pages and crayons which mostly just a few of the "girl cousins" enjoyed. We also had a fun game "Pin the Gear on the Robot" which Aunt Amy constructed for us.

Wyatt enjoying a balloon! He even popped one like that once, he thought it was funny!

After the games, we sang Happy Birthday and dug into the cake!! I just have to say I'm extremely proud of pulling off this cake (with a little credit to Daddy for suggesting the peanut butter cups to make the claw-hands).

Some shots of the boys "patiently" waiting to get started with this part. . . 

I think it's safe to say that Wyatt LOVED his cake! What a mess!! We did have to clean up afterwards which was not as fun!

After all that it was finally time to open presents! They got a lot of really fun new toys that everyone is enjoying. Clayton and Reese may be enjoying Wyatt's new train a little too much, but it is really sturdy and they aren't over the 42 lb. weight limit. . . It's a very nice riding/push toy with alphabet blocks. The blocks are computerized and when you put them in the slot it says the letter and the word that starts with that letter. You can also put the blocks in a hole on top and it shoots them into the trailer; a very complex toy that will grow with him to be able to enjoy for years.

pop cap guns! just what he wanted!

Just digging right in!
Reach, Baby!

 Wyatt's favorite was probably the giant stuffed puppy he got from Grandpa and Grandma Branz. I just love the way he treats big, soft stuffed animals like a long lost friend. . . you feel all warm and fuzzy inside watching him enjoy it and love on it!

Reese got a very cool robot from Grandpa Mark and Grandma Dianne that dances and shoots out foam discs. We haven't had a chance to try it out at home yet, but we know he really enjoyed it in the wide open spaces of the gym!

What a fun time - Happy Birthday Reese and Wyatt!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Happy Birthday to Reese!!

The little guy is getting to be not so little, four years old already! Last night I thought it would be fun to take one last picture of him as a three  year old. Clayton wanted to pose with this brother too.

We even took a little video. . . To be clear, at the end he says "Good night, picture" (calling my phone "picture" I guess). I'm not sure what made Clayton say what he did either... weirdo.

And here is the silly 4-year old, rocking the 4 shirt after school today!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Well we have a lot of it. The boy have had a blast playing in lots and lots of snow yesterday and today. He's a fun little video of yesterday's adventures. At the end I'm zoomed in filming the boys across the street, and you can still see how much the snow is still blowing. It was a regular blizzard!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Reese's 4 year Old Interview

We are snowed in today, so I thought I'd do Reese's birthday interview! I don't think I'll interview Wyatt this year, maybe next time. Here's a link to Reese's answers from a year ago

  • What is the meaning of life? I don't know
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer and a builder
  • When do you feel the most loved? hugs
  • What are you afraid of? bad guys
  • If you had one wish, what would it be? a tree stick
  • What is the funniest word? frack!
  • What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? Hardest:cutting down a tree with my hands  Easiest: pick up small toys
  • What is the best/worst thing in the world? Best: climbing a mountain Worst: not climbing the wall
  • What makes you mad? hitting
  • What is the meaning of love? pictures (as he looked up at our family pictures on the wall)
  • If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it? buy stuff and things

Monday, February 1, 2016

Birthday Pics for Reese and Wyatt

On Saturday, I took the boys to Penny's to get their 4 and 1 year old pictures taken. They turned out so cute! Here's a link to view all the pictures online

And here are my favorite!

Later, back at Grandma Dianne's house, mommy let Wyatt try some chocolate pudding. I think he liked it!
Soooo Big!