Tuesday, May 10, 2011

7 Months Old Today!

It's Clayton's 7 month B-day and the poor baby is sick! He has had a fever since yesterday, and then today his left eye started to look swollen and goopy. I used a symptom checker online from Baby Center and I was afraid he might have Periorbital cellulitis, which is apparently not as bad as it sounds, but since it could be caused by a bacteria such as Strep that I may have some how given my infection to his eye! :( So I took him in to get checked out and the doc said babies under a year don't typically get Strep infections. So she prescribed him some antibiotics to cover possible eye and sinus infections. So now he gets eye drops three times a day... This should be fun! :/

So we just got back from the clinic and the pharmacy and the little guy fell asleep in his car seat, so he is just chillin in there taking a nap. Here is my attempt at his 7 month photos:

I might try again tomorrow afternoon if he is feeling a little better!

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