Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Goofy Clayton

Here are just some goofy things that Clayton does and we caught on video!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 Week Check Up

Reese had his two week check up today (although he is more like 2.5 weeks old by now). He is up to 7lbs 12oz! He is 21 inches long. Here is how he has lost and gained weight so far:

Birth (2/5) - 7lbs 2 oz, 20.5 inches
Hospital Discharge (2/6) - 6lbs 11oz
Dr.'s Visit (bilirubin level and weight check on 2/8) - 6lbs 6oz
Dr.'s Visit (weight check on 2/13) - 6lbs 12oz
Dr.'s Visit (2 week check up 2/23) - 7lbs 12oz, 21 inches

I wanted to list it out more so I don't forget, but it is kind of interesting to see. I can't believe he gained a whole pound in 10 days!! And he grew a half an inch since he was born.

Also, Clayton seems to be warming up to Reese even more. For several days now, if Reese cries, Clayton says "Reese?" over and over until I go fix him. Last night, Reese was in his bouncy seat and after supper Clayton tried to give him hugs (laying his head down on him, the same way he does to the cats). I turned the video camera on, but I missed the best of it! Then today when I got home from Reese's Dr. appointment, Clayton was rubbing Reese's hair. It was really sweet! Then later this morning, Reese's pacifier fell out of his mouth (he didn't need it anymore, he was sleeping) and Clayton said Uh oh! Then he picked it up (and I figured it was to take it for himself) but he tried to put it back in Reese's mouth. It was so heart warming. Clayton is turning out to be such a caring big brother for being such a little guy himself, Mommy is so proud!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mommy & Her Boys

Caught him right before a sneeze

Reese looking at Mommy 2/17

Mommy & Clayton (and Chloe) 2/17

Mommy, Clayton & Reese 2/20
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reese's 1st Real Bath

So I have washed Reese prior to yesterday, but I haven't submerged him in water. We turned on some soothing music, and he hardly even fussed (not at like Clayton's 1st bath, he screamed the whole time)!

All clean & ready for bed

Well, maybe eat 1st, then bed!

Monday, February 20, 2012


My babies all dressed up for church yesterday, it was our 1st outing as a family of four! It was also Reese's due date, and he is now two weeks old!


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Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Belly Button!

I took this last night from my phone (so I could send it to Darrel who is out of town for State Wrestling until Saturday) so it's not very good, but I just wanted to show off Reese's new belly button since his cord stump fell off last night. It's a cute little innie!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Differences. . .

I know you're not supposed to compare your kids, but I don't mean anything bad it. I just can't believe how different Clayton and Reese looked when they were born. I fully expected another head full of dark hair baby, but Reese seems to be just the opposite. . .  See? (Click on the picture to see it bigger)

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from Reese!

His "Strong Man" Pose

"Mommy's lil Heartbreaker" it says

Grumpy Face
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Friday, February 10, 2012

16 Months / 5 Days Old

Clayton is 16 Months old today! Reese is 5 Days old today! 

Clayton has seemed more interested in Reese today, he even touched his fingers a little bit this afternoon. I tried to see if they would snuggle, but then Reese was fussing so that didn't work out very well.

Sticking out his little tongue

Reese ~ 5 Days Old

Clayton ~ 16 Months Old

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Clayton is still here!

We still have Clayton around too, and he is as sweet as ever. He is handling being a big brother pretty well for an almost 16 month old. He was pretty upset with mommy for a few days and gave me the cold shoulder, but today especially he has been wanting me more and I am able to pay a little more attention to him with my mom staying with us for a few days.

Being ornery
Grandma Dianne took Clayton to WalMart this morning for some groceries, but it looks like they made a detour through the toy aisle first. They came back with the most adorable John Deere Tractor to go with this Mega Blocks.

Playing with Grandma and his new "truck"

Then we thought since Reese was awake, he could lay on the floor for a little bit. Clayton plopped right down on the blanket that I spread out and started to play with his tractor like he wanted to show Reese. It was really sweet. The tractor only ended up on the baby's face one time. . . eek!

He always seems concerned/curios when Reese cries

Showing baby brother how to play with tractors

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A little Tummy Time

Reese is not awake very often yet, but when he is, I sure love seeing those pretty blue eyes!

Perfect Snow Day

My intention was to post these pictures Saturday afternoon/evening, however Reese had other plans for me that evening!

This is all the snow we woke up to on Saturday morning, so obviously there was no Conference Wrestling tournament (it had been cancelled already the day before). I was so excited to have Darrel home with Clayton and I for the whole weekend.

View from our front door
Clayton spent about 40 min. outside helping Grandpa and and Dad snow blow our driveway as well as two of our neighbors. So the both us walked up and down the drive behind or beside the blower. It ended with a slip and fall on the slick driveway and Clayton bumped his head pretty bad, but he was also cold and tired I'm sure.

Before lunch he snuggled and relaxed while watching Cars (the Disney movie). He had never seen it before but seemed to enjoy seeing the cars and trucks!

Watching a movie with Lacey

After lunch Clayton took a big nap (and so did I). Of course after naps we ended our day by getting to the hospital to have us a baby brother. Reese wasn't technically born till the next day, but what a perfect ending to a perfect day!

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Brother is Here!

Reese Allan Branz was born this morning at 2:08am. My water broke around 4pm yesterday, and after a wonderful drug-free labor experience, I ended up needing an epidural around 1am to get me through that last hard part of labor and delivery. Reese weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. When he came out the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck one time and he had taken in a large gulp of fluid, so he didn't cry right away, but they got him going and Darrel was able to cut the cord. They got him cleaned up and poked and prodded and I got to start nursing him about 30 minutes later. He is doing great and so am I!

Clayton and Grandma came by for a visit this morning. Clayton smiled at him and seems pleased, and it sure sounds like he is trying to say Reese already.

Brand new family of 4

Clayton, Grandma and Reese
This afternoon, his Petersen grandparents and aunt Amy came for a visit too. I'll have to post more pictures later!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sick Kid, but Better Now

Wednesday afternoon Clayton started running a fever and tugging at his ears and throat. He hadn't had much of an appetite all day so I really wasn't surprised to figure out he just wasn't feeling well. He drank some Pedialyte (like, a lot actually! He must have been so thirsty I didn't realize until then he hadn't really drank all day either) and had some Children's Ibuprofen and was a pretty big trooper about everything even though he didn't feel well. I did take him into the Doctor's office on Thursday morning to rule out ear infection since he had been grabbing at them, but they were clear, thank goodness. The doctor thought it was just one of those 24hr flu bugs going around. He must have been right, because there has been no fever today and I could tell he was feeling so much better!

After his afternoon nap and snack, Clayton was being kind of crabby (out of boredom I figured), so I thought I could take some pictures to cheer him up. (Plus, I went "shopping" in our box of hand-me-downs for some winter clothes since it looks like that season may have finally arrived, and wanted to show off his new sweater. It's actually a 24 month size and fits pretty well!) At first he didn't want to cooperate for a picture because he wanted to see what I was doing with the camera. But then once he got going on the Buzz Light Year Truck he was fine and had fun during his photo shoot!

Half smile / Half cry

I don't even know what that is...

He cried when I sat him on the truck :'(

But then he realized he could have fun climbing in

Ok, this is pretty fun after all!

Climb out

Back in

Look at all those teeth!!
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