Friday, January 29, 2016

Catch Up

Just a random post, trying to catch up on picture and video sharing. . . We've had a pretty rough week with Wyatt being sick, so we're just hanging in there. Clayton and Reese still have a cough but are feeling better. Wyatt is finally on the mend I think.  His ear infection really lingered, and I think we got another cold of some sort on top of the one that caused the ear infection, plus some teeth on the top row are emerging as well. Even my boy for day care, Harvey, only made it here on Tuesday of this week, and he got picked up early after his nap because had a fever (and so did Wyatt). Wyatt made a trip back to the Dr on Wednesday morning and ended up getting his antibiotics extended a week and a steroid to help get over whatever is going on. I've never had a kid not get better on antibiotics before let alone spike a fever on them!
Here's Wyatt snuggling with Mommy and Scout yesterday!

Well let's see, we've been up to all kinds of things this month. . .

We all were randomly wearing superman shirts so I tried to take a pic. . I think I need a selfie stick to make this work! (1/4/16)

This is picture below is back from Jan 10, this must have been the next day or two after it happened, but Clayton went a little wild (big surprise) at Grandma's house one evening and when she tried to grab him,  he lunged away and split his eyebrow open on the edge of the coffee table. Good thing nurse grandma has some steri-strips on hand or we might have needed to go in for a stitch or two! It left him with a little bit of a black eye, but by now it's healed up nicely, and I don't think it will even leave a permanent scar. It was just right at the top of his eyebrow line.

Baby's first tooth brush! 1/12/16

Braving the cold and snow for a visit to our neighbor, Heidi's house one afternoon 1/14/16
Clayton and Reese playing with superheros 1/18/16
Silly Reese....
. . .still such a messy eater. I think this was from a mug of hot chocolate! 1/19/16
Wyatt likes to look out the big living room window, just like his brothers did 1/20/16
Building a fire with Papa 1/20/19

A couple more quick videos of Wyatt from Jan. 20 and 22 

So tired, Clayton feel asleep watching TV one afternoon 1/22/19

On Saturday (Jan 23) Mommy took all three boys to Lincoln to help Aunt Amy celebrate her birthday! Daddy was having a wrestling meet in Aurora that day (a meet we would normally try to go to, but that just didn't work out this year). So we took this picture to show our support before we left!

They weren't really into it, but we tried to make a little video too. I think Wyatt probably just wanted to take a nap. haha.

Then here was Wyatt at Grandma's house, trying Verenika for the first time at Amy's birthday dinner

Then on Sunday (Jan 24) after church and Sunday School, Daddy and Papa, took Clayton and Reese to watch a Husker wrestling match. Apparently they also each got huge boxes of M&Ms!

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