Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wyatt Daniel Branz

The third baby brother has arrived! Wyatt Daniel was born today, February 10, 2015 at 9:36 am. He weighs 6 lbs 6 oz, and is 19 inches long! I went in for the induction on Monday morning (the 9th) at 7:00 am, so he was a little stubborn about coming out. It was a long day and night, and the last time I was checked around maybe 8:00 am this morning I was told he had made a little more progress but still very high! But after a huge kick at about 8:45 his head broke my water and he was out, crying and wiggling less than an hour later! The nurses were really scrambling to get the Dr. called in and everything set up in time and I was even instructed to NOT push more than once so they could get things and people in place. Everything was fine though and he is doing just great, and Mommy is feeling well too.

Daddy and Mommy are so proud of him!

Less than 12 hours old
He also knows Mommy's voice!

He has already had some visitors! A quick visit from his Papa Branz, and a little later, Grandma and his two big brothers! Clayton was very sweet about it and noticed right away that Daddy was holding the baby and that he wasn't in Mommy's tummy anymore! He said that he liked his brother and agreed that Mommy should take him home in a few days and that we could keep him. Reese was more excited that he had gotten to play with Grandma all morning (while Clayton was at preschool) and after he told me he was at Grandma's house, he asked me if I was taking a nap (I was still in bed as they only came a few hours after delivery) and tried to help me out (No, Mommy needs to stay in a bed a while). Then he just wanted to leave, so not much interest in his baby brother yet, but I know that will change when we get home. When it was time to go, Clayton said "Goodbye Wyatt," When we asked Reese to, he said "no, I can't"
Wyatt meeting Clayton

The Three Branz Boys

Also, Grandpa Mark, Grandma Dianne and Aunt Amy came to visit for a bit in the evening!

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