Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Newborn Comparison

Apparently, Reese never had his eyes open in the hospital, and I have no good pictures of his face until he is several days old. So if anyone has old pictures that they have never given to me, and you have some, I would certainly love to have them!

But anyway, here are each of the boys just days or hours old, for comparison, since people like to talk about if Wyatt looks more like Reese or Clayton. I think he's just Wyatt, and I just love him!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2 Weeks Old!

Wyatt had his 2 week check up last Friday already, and he was doing great! His weight was up to 5 lbs 13 oz, so more than what we weighed when we left the hospital. I'm sure he weighs even more by now! He was also 19 1/2 inches long, so he already grew half an inch! (Or he just uncurled a little more). Also his umbilical cord fell off last night! Daddy thinks it looks like it could be an outie!

Here are the 2 week pictures from today. Again Reese wanted in on the action. I'll have to try to do them when Clayton is home next time so I can get all three of them in on this cuteness!

Looks like he's tell me off. . . Enough pictures mom!
Reese said he wanted to do this, but when I had him lie down it looked more like torture than fun. . .

But then Reese starting investigating Wyatt's fingers and toes, and it was much more fun!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Reese's Birthday Party!

 Reese had a really fun air plane themed birthday party two Sunday's ago (the 8th).  He had lots of family come to celebrate and enjoy his special day!

We started by playing a game, "Pin the Propeller." Aunt Amy made the game for us and it was a lot of fun to have cousins play together. Reese, Ali, Clayton and Everett took turns being blindfolded and guessing where to put the propeller.

Next we opened presents, but there are no pictures of that because it happened REALLY fast. Clayton and Everett and Reese really tore through them quickly! Afterwards, hey did enjoy all playing together with all the new toys (and a lot of the toys already on our shelves)! 

After presents it was time to sing happy birthday and eat cake.

Clayton, Reese, Everett & Ali

After we finished signing, Reese was still taking a deep breath in but Everett and Clayton had the candles all blown out before Reese got a chance to exhale. The look on his face was priceless afterwards when he realized the injustice of what had happened (Sadly, no one got a picture of this expression).

So we re-light the candles to let the birthday boy have a chance
A friendly reminder that the candles are for Reese! 

He got it done!
Happy little Boy!

After the party, the boys helped clean up. . . (Actually they emptied my kitchen cupboards!) But they did put it all back and even put the inflatable planes that were hanging around as decorations in the cupboard too! Silly boys.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekends with Grandma

Grandma Dianne has come to help out with the boys this past weekend, and the weekend before as well. They have had lots of opportunities to snuggle and hold Wyatt together. Clayton and Reese are getting to know their baby brother!

These are from last weekend when Wyatt was just 3 days old!

Some precious shots from just this past Friday night:

Of course Clayton and Reese aren't all snuggles and cuddles! They are very active! So we finally got the "Hoop it Up" play thing that Reese got for his 3rd birthday (From Grandpa Mark and Grandma Dianne) all filled up with air and ready to play with. They had a blast!! The only complaint from Clayton was that it needs more balls!

Reese, mid-jump! Great shot!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Brother Cuddles, Pirates and a Mustache. . .

Clayton frequently asks to hold his little brother and loves him so much. Yesterday morning (Wednesday) I was up feeding Wyatt when Clayton woke up and he sat beside me on the couch and the first thing he did was ask to hold him. I told him he could when Wyatt was done eating and he waited patiently beside me for his turn.
Hello, brother

Also, Wednesday, Clayton was being a pirate! (with toys from Jake and the Neverland Pirates that Reese got for his birthday). I think that the bag is over his hand because he was trying to be Captain Hook (he has a lot of different types of hooks that he uses in the show, like he can take of the hook and have it be a shovel, or a propeller, etc.)

Love the hair!

And from today, Reese was munching on apple slices with me this morning and and giggled "I have a mustache" Which is especially funny since Daddy shaved his beard down to just a mustache this week and the boys thought that was pretty silly!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1 week

Wyatt is 1 week old already!

He was down to 5 lbs 12 oz when we went home from the hospital, and on Saturday was down to 5 lbs 10 oz (I had to take him to the clinic for a weight and bilirubin check). Then on Monday we went in to check bilirubin one more time (its fine) and he went back up a little to 5 lbs 11 oz. So he's gaining and growing!

I took these pictures morning while Clayton was at preschool, but of course Reese was home with us. He wanted in on the action too, "Mommy, take my picture?!" I was happy to comply! <3

Monday, February 16, 2015

First Bath at Home

Little Wyatt had his first bath at home yesterday afternoon.
I don't think he really liked it very much!

And here's just a better picture I took on Valentine's day where his eyes are actually open (but you can't see his super cute shirt!)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

From this little Love Machine (that's what it says on the shirt anyway)

And from these big boys who enjoyed watching their Daddy help coach the York Wrestling team to District Champs this morning! Go Dukes!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hospital Pictures

We are all at home now (since yesterday morning), but of course there a ton more pictures that were taken at the hospital to share. 

Little baby feet

Mommy with her boys

Happy Family of Five

Clayton and Wyatt (sitting with Grandma Branz)
 Wednesday night, Daddy brought the boys to the hospital before bed time so that we could have a little family movie time. We watched Wreck it Ralph together and ate graham crackers with marshmallow creme frosting and sipped on Sprite. It was a really sweet moment.
Family movie time selfie!
Daddy and Wyatt Thursday morning
 And leaving the hospital Thursday morning, trying to get Wyatt into this huge car seat. He looks so tiny in there!

Ready to go home!

And one from last night before bed. After he ate and I held him up to burp he just looked so sweet with this arms propped up under his chin.