Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bam! And Clayton's New Party Trick!

So cute - these things both just happened today and so I will just post both videos tonight.

This happened spontaneously this morning although I had to do a little prompting for them to repeat it for the camera. As a little background - it is the ritual when saying goodnight (to Daddy) to give bonks (bonk foreheads together and say bonk), and bams (pound fists together and say bam). Reese and Clayton totaly did that to each other this morning before breakfast - so so sweet! Then Reese decided to be his super cute self and play a little peek-a-boo!

Then this evening Clayton decided to do a somersault all by himself for the first time. We have been trying to teach him how, but I'm really surprised he can do it already! Daddy said he did it once downstairs (Mommy missed it!) but that it wasn't very good. But then after they came upstairs, I grabbed the video camera to see if I could get him to do it again and he did it perfectly! I love his stance when he is getting ready! This mamma is impressed!


  1. THAT is so great. I love the thought process...hands, bend, head...hiya, hiya...flop

    1. Yes! I also love that his throught process is so transparent here! :)
