Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Swing Set for the Branz Boys

After pouting and complaining about not having hundreds of dollars to spend on a swing-set for the boys in an online chat group for mothers that I frequent, someone suggested to me to check on Craig's List to see if I could find a good deal on a used one. So I did and I found a wooden one on sale for $100 that a family in Lincoln was trying to get rid of. So my parents went to check it out for us to make sure it was worth it, and it was, so on Sunday we went to Lincoln to get it! It's much much nicer than anything we could afford brand new and I am so grateful that the boys now have a nice big slide to climb on and place to swing. What a fun summer this is going to be!!!

I couldn't believe that Mommy and Daddy were able to set it up together with out any help. The boys were really good and mostly played in the sandbox while we worked.

Reese was a little confused about what was going one with the slide. . .

And Clayton tried to sit on the un-attached swing a few times. . .

Playing Peek under the Slide's ladder

Kitty had to come check it out (Lacey)
He had lost his shoe and was mid "uh oh" when I took the picture - you can just see the word on his face! So cute!!

Finally Time to go down the slide!

Reese would go down so fast that he would end up face planting (luckily he thought it was funny, see above picture!) but he did decide that he prefers to go down on his tummy rather than his butt. So Daddy is going to have to add some extra wood on the sides of the platform that go to the slide to help make it more safe. Reese gets so excited while turning around to go down the slide backwards that he doesn't always get a full 180 degree turn in and almost backed off the edge of the platform Sunday night. I had been worried about that so I was standing right there and was able to catch him before he slid all the way off and straight onto the ground.

We are also able to have two "baby" swings attached since that is how both boys prefer to swing right now. Clayton can sit on a "big boy" swing but it's probably not as fun since we don't push him as hard or as high. Safely restrained in the baby swing we go crazy, pushing him as high as it goes - weeeee!

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