Monday, June 3, 2013

Pictures (and a video) from Yesterday plus Reese's new milestone

We actually made it to church yesterday (sort of monumental for summer time)! So I was sure to take some pictures of the boys in the afternoon in their coordinating outfits. They were watching Daddy mow the lawn of course. I actually played around with some of the settings on my camera and was able to get a a good shot even though there was too much light coming in through the window. I don't know why I never thought to play with that before!

See the difference? This one is on my "normal" setting

See the difference? This on is on a setting called "Macro" (and no, I have no clue what that means)
Here is me trying to get them to sit on their steps, face forward and smile. I think it's funny to watch it progress through each picture as they move around and only one boy will do as told at a time, ha ha.
Click on the picture to see it bigger

Here is Clayton's reaction when I told him to "say cheese!"

And here is Reese's reaction. . . just closed his eyes! Oh dear!

And here is the video. Reese was hauling his "blankey" (one of three of my shirts that he has attached to as a security blanket). I thought it was so cute!
If you didn't catch what happened there at the end, I did figure out that was crying because he was looking for his binky (pacifier). I guess at night his binky must get caught up in the shirt, so then he can shake it out and the binky will come out. I guess he was hoping that the same thing would happen here and so when the binky didn't fall out of the shirt after repeatedly shaking it he was kind of sad.

On another note, last night was the 3rd night in a row that Reese has not nursed before bed, so I guess he is officially weaned and I am done breastfeeding. The night before I started he only nursed for about a minute and wanted to be done, so I figured it was time to just take the plunge. It had already been a few nights in a row where he was able to make it all night with out nursing so he was down to just that one time per day (he still wakes up 1-3 times per night but we can just lay him right back down). He has been kind of upset about not nursing at night but doesn't cry when I put him down, just when he tries to get into my shirt and I have to tell him that mommy's milk is all gone. It's kind of bittersweet, but he will be 16 months old in 2 days and I have been ready to be done for a while. So the official total if you were wondering, is that I have been pregnant and/or nursing for 3 years and 5 months (give or take a few days) straight - no breaks!

Oh, and Reesee also has a new tooth popping up - the bottom left! :)

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