Monday, November 26, 2012

Reese and his TOOTH

Maybe my last post should have said "tooth" instead of "tongue!" I suppose that is why he has been sticking his tongue out like that - he wants to feel his brand new tooth. It just broke through today I guess, and it's the one on the bottom right. This evening he bit my foot, through my sock even and it hurt quite a bit, I thought, "ouch that feels pretty pokey for a little dude with no teeth!" So I stuck my finger in there, and low and behold - a little tooth!

Reese and his Tongue

It seems as if Reese has discovered his tongue! Another notable milestone is that he will now wave "hi" or "bye" to people when we prompt him to wave. He waved for the first time to Mommy on Thanksgiving from Aunt Betsy's arms!

Anyway, here's his tongue!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On the Couch

The boys love to play on the couch, that is the "thing" to do right now. Clayton takes off the cushions and then Reese can climb up there all on his own. He can get down very well too. He has fallen a few times, but hasn't ever cried about it, just gets up and tries again. (He is truly the yin to Clayton's yang!) One day during Clayton's nap Reese, was standing at the couch just hollering and upset, and it took me a minute to figure out that he was mad that the cushions were on the couch and it was too high for him to climb up! I actually had to take them off so he could play. . . . O_o

Here are some cute pictures that have been taken "on the couch." I didn't even notice how funny the first two were until I made this blog post.

caught mid-jump

unhappy about the landing I guess!
"Yes, I can get up here all by myself!"

I know  he's leaning in the corner, but he looks so little to be standing there!
You probably noticed this one and the next one in the picture across the top!

Looks like trouble. . . . 

"Did we get caught?"

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

From Nov. 4th

My mom took these pictures the same weekend that Clayton fell of the bed and hurt his nose. It happened to be my Grandma's birthday and they were at my parents' house since they all just got back from visiting family in Phoenix, AZ. So we had a little family dinner to celebrate. The boys always have a blast with the toys and books Grandma keeps for them there and the rocking horse my dad made for my sister when she was little.
Clayton doing his favorite bear book with Great Grandma Erna

Reese being a total ham with Grandpa Mark

Reese loves when his big brother pays attention to him!

Bucket head!

So sweet to see them engage each other

Peek! On the steps!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Reese wants to GO!

I should have posted this right away of Reese, but I was waiting to make sure it wasn't a fluke. He seems to be saying "go go go." Which makes sense, we say it all the time. Reese is usually up first in the mornings and nap time, and when we hear Clayton fussing over the baby monitor, I say something like "Reese, let's go get your brother, let's go go go." We also tell Clayton to hurry up and go go go. Reese is still saying it and it seems to be intentional. This is the first time he did it, and you can probably hear Clayton crying from his room in the background. I think Reese was telling me it was time to go get that big brother that he so much adores!

(I apologize that it is so shaky but Reese was grabbing at the wrist string of the camera!)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A few pics of Clayton

These are pictures from Grandpa Doug's birthday almost a week ago now. Clayton tried to helped blow out the candles. However, he was not impressed with the coconut pecan frosting on the German Chocolate Cake. More for the rest of us - it was even homemade!!

This next one is just from Friday, this "new" pair of pants that I found in his hand-me-down box has big slit type pockets, and Clayton was just standing there watching TV with his hand in his pocket. He looked so grown up like that! Later, I showed him how to put some small toys in them!

These are even older, from two weekends ago now, Clayton had fallen off of the guest bed at my parents house, he went face 1st and must have caught his nose on the night stand on the way down, and it made a really strange ouchey around his nostril. You might have noticed the scab in some other pictures, especially the one with their Ohio Bobcats gear on. At first it was just bleeding a little around his nose, but it was hard to say where the blood was even coming from. As time went by the scab starting making it look worse and worse! The scab has peeled loose a few times, making it look worse yet, but now it is finally on the mend although there may be a little scar for a few weeks yet. He seems to be so accident prone lately, and his face certainly tells the tale!
The next morning, not quite 24 hours later

That next night, more than 24 hours afterwards.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wearing a Hat

We went to the Children's Museum here in York this morning for a little break from the routine. Both boys had a lot of fun and both let me take a picture of them (on my phone, so kind of low quality, sorry about that) wearing this hat

Monday, November 12, 2012

1st Steps for Reese!!!

This just happened! Reese has been taking a step or two if we push him to try, and once one his own, but this afternoon he seemed interested in trying so I worked on it with him and he was able to take several steps in a row multiple times. He could be "for real walking" by Thanksgiving at this rate! And it's funny because just before I made that post of Clayton a little bit ago I was thinking that I hadn't done much on Reese lately and decided it was because he isn't going to be that interesting until he either says a new word or starts to walk. I guess he knew it was time to do a new trick to get some attention!! Go little Reese!!

Clayton - a Smart little Nut

I don't even know where to begin with him - I have so much to share! This morning during his diaper change, instead of our usual conversation about how he shut the door (He kicks it shut and says "I shut, I shut the door) and that it is time for breakfast ("a meal-meal?" - a.k.a. oatmeal) and how Reese is a baby, he told me "I have . . . two eyes". I was like, holy moly - how do you know that son?! Then at snack time, there were two sippy cups sitting out and he said "one, one. Two milks" Maybe a coincidence, or maybe he really knows when there are two of something - it's hard to say, but he sure is turning into a little smarty!

Then, today during lunch I let him have a little sip of my pop (don't worry, just Squirt, caffeine-free). I had burped (because of the pop) and said "excuse me." So after Clayton's sip, he covered his mouth (like I did) and either  made a sound like a burp or actually forced one up, I can't tell, and said "'scuse me" He did it a few more times, but never when I had the video camera on. It was so stinkin' cute!

After lunch, his hands were covered with peanut butter, jelly and chocolate pudding, so we tell him to put his hands up, otherwise he tends to stick them in his lap or under his bib and gets his clothes all sticky. Well, because he is such a nut, he usually puts at least on hand on his head, and today he started hitting himself. He is so nutty.

I shamelessly tried to recreate and record some of the cute things he did before I got him out of his booster seat, and this is what he gave me. He was being pretty cute until he spotted his puzzle blocks and wanted down.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Clayton Reading A Book

This is so cute. He does this with a lot of his books and I feel lucky to have caught it on video. I know he is hard to understand, so I did my best to add what he is saying and what the book actually says is along the bottom. He skipped some pages, but it is still really sweet.

Here is what the book is actually like. Each animal is wearing a different color of the same piece of clothing, and the Turkey is always wearing it wrong, so that is why the Oops. On the last page, the Turkey is finally wearing all the clothes correctly, and then jumps into the pool fully dressed, and that is last oops.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Reese's 9 Month Check Up

Reese had his check up today and the Dr. says he is doing great (of course we already knew that)! His height and weight are pretty much exactly what they were last month when I measured him at home - 17 lbs and 28 inches. I guess it could either be a difference between the scales, or it's possible he didn't grow much in the last month since he grew so much the month before that. He was also sick for about 2 and half days a couple of weeks ago, so he may have lost a little then, and is just now catching back up. Who knows?! I think it is just that he was averaging himself out from his last big growth spurt.

Here are a few more pictures that I took of him on Wed.

Such a sweet expression

So ornery looking! I know it was in the collage, but I wanted to make sure you noticed it!

Happy to have no clothes!

Such a goof ball

So smiley!

"What is this thing I'm on anyway?"

So sad this turned out blurry - it was so sweet!! :(

Watchin' TV instead of smiling at the camera!
And - I KNEW there was a reason I always got so many "bad" pictures. Check out this awesome looking collage! I just love all the diagonal lines from the wood trim in the background of my crooked pictures!

And last but certainly not least, I sure hope everyone has their Green on today!

Monday, November 5, 2012

9 Months!

Reese Allan is 9 Months old today!

His check up is Wednesday so I plan to have his stats and more pictures then.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

More Halloween

We had a pretty fun Halloween yesterday. Clayton was a little apprehensive about what was going at first when we went trick or treating, but after he realized he was going to get candy at every house he started getting excited and running down the street to get to the next one. I did get him to say "trick or treat" but he would never say that or "thank you" to anybody else. He did say "bye" a couple of times though.

I also really thought that his Super Man costume from last year would fit him since it was 2T size and he is just now starting to get into that size in regular clothes. However, when we tried it on that morning, it was at least 3 inches too short! So we ran to WalMart to see if they had anything else. He ended up being a Pirate! We even got him a little foam sword which Reese LOVED to chew on.

Here is some cute video:
And way too many pictures