Friday, December 16, 2011

Random Pictures, and Injuries

I haven't had anything nearly as interesting as the Thanksgiving pictures or pulling the cat's tail to blog about lately, but we have had a few random things. . .

This is from last week sometime I think. I obviously tied the blanket around him as a cape, but he does put the colander on his head quite a bit. (I did it myself for a funny picture on this instance though)

Mom, you are so weird. . .

Here is a result of pulling the cats tail too hard. Believe it or not, those are bite marks. Lacey clamped down hard and when Clayton tried to rip his arm away the cat did not let go! This happened last night right before bed and Clayton was pretty upset. They never bled and we washed them really well with soap and water. He got bit almost as bad again today, so clearly pain is not a good teaching tool for this child. . . oi!
Kitty bites!
I took that picture this morning during breakfast, and of course he thought I just wanted a picture of his adorable face, so I indulged him. Pretty good one too!

Hmm, I need a hair cut!
Yesterday was quite eventful, actually. . . I should have taken a picture of this yesterday because it looks way better now (thankfully). Before his nap (so he was probably just tired and clumsy) he some how tripped while playing with his mower and sort of clothes-lined himself on the handle (Not sure how else to describe it). That red mark under his chin was probably 4 times longer after it happened and his mouth was bleeding (I'm guessing he bit his lip or tongue). I gave him some ice in a little mesh bag and that distracted him from the pain and he was just fine. I wonder how much harder he would have to fall like that for it to split his chin open and earn his first stitches?? At this rate they are not too far into the future.

Red mark on chin (not the one on his neck, that is a "birth mark")
My prediction for his next injury is something to do with climbing for sure. Likely culprit, the high chair. He can get into his high chair completely on his own. I really need to remember to push it up against the table so he can't, but when I forgot today, I'm so slow that by the time I got over to him, he had gotten all the way up and stood in the seat and then turned around and sat down, with one leg on either side of the "crotch bar" (because I don't know what else to call it), just like he is supposed to be!

And this is how daddy found us when he came home for lunch today. He was so tired and crabby! He got mad at me because I wasn't letting him throw all of his books (that I had just picked up) onto the floor, I was only letting have a few. Then he was up on my lap and kept saying "nigh nigh nigh." So I asked him if he was tired and wanted to go night night and he got down and ran into his room and grabbed the rails of his crib! I guess that is a "yes!" So I just got his blanket and we cuddled on the couch (it was almost lunch time so I didn't want to actually put him down for a nap).

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