Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween (photo bomb!)

Here are the rest of the pictures (the good ones anyway) that I took yesterday.

Clayton got a card in the mail from his Great Grandpa and Grandma Branz, and he thought it was pretty neat. I forgot to show him how it glows in the dark though, we'll have to remember to do that tomorrow.

Here are the rest that we took outside in the afternoon. If you will, notice that he is not wearing any shoes, just socks... I told Clayton to find his shoes because we were going outside. He knows what this means and went over the to steps because he had thrown one down there earlier, so we go that one, but I could NOT find his other shoe (he only has one pair). So he is walking around saying "ishes" (Clayton for shoes apparently) and starting to get really upset that we are not going outside! After about 5 min, I gave up and just took him outside with his socks on because he was getting so upset! I did find the shoe later (during his nap), it was behind the computer along with several toys and household items. I'll have to remember that hiding place for next time!

Knock, knock! Trick or Treat!

Here he is last night getting ready to walk up to his very first house for trick or treating! We went to our next door neighbors and Branz family friend's house the Norquest's. 

After that he walked most of the way down Harre Lane (like a full block at least) and we stopped at one of Darrel's high school classmate's house and across the street from her lives the secretary at the middle school, so we went there and she was dressed up like an old lady/witch and she was being so sweet but Clayton started crying! So we hurried off to get to Grandma's house for one last trick or treating stop. He picked a pixie stick out of her candy bowl and ended up chewing through it enough to get some sugar out... whoops, big surprise!! 
Ah! Pixie stick is sour!
Then it was time to go home and we hung out at home for a while watching the trick or treaters come to our house, and we let Clayton have some more candy... Luckily he doesn't mind if it is still in the wrapper, and he walked around with this Whoppers in his mouth, happy as could be.

I think that all in all he had a pretty fun day! The cutest super man EVER!! 
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