Monday, July 18, 2011

First Steps!

Last week, he took about 3 steps toward my mom when she was at our house visiting, but it was all gravity. This morning he was taking up to 6 or 7 steps in a row before crashing! Not quite "walking" but he is getting soooo close. His biggest issue is that he is scared of doing it, once he realizes we have let go he doesn't want to do it any more. One day he will get brave and just TAKE OFF!

As a bonus clip (and before it becomes obsolete!) here is a cute clip of him walking along with dad (from a little over a week ago):

1 comment:

  1. ARE YOU KIDDING! good gravey sauce grandma...i tell you what, you have one active kiddo. Those cats aren't gonna be hide for too much longer huh...

