Friday, June 10, 2011

8 Months Old

Clayton is already 8 months old today - I can't believe how much he has grown! I measured him this morning and he was 28 inches long and just over 18 pounds. I sure thought his belly looked rounder, and that would make sense since he hasn't even grown a quarter of an inch in the last month although he put on a whole pound. Sometimes he will really surprise me and eat quite a lot of solid food in one sitting, so that is probably where his extra bulk is coming from. Soon he will be crawling though I think and he will work it right off.
8 Months Old

He wasn't feeling well yesterday - I was at work and he felt a little warm after his "nap" (he didn't really sleep very well, probably because he didn't feel good) but I tried to feed him lunch. I put one bite of food in his mouth and BLAT! out came his breakfast - pretty much looking the same as when it went in... mashed bananas in oatmeal. So we went home to change (my jeans were soaked, eeeew) and he had a low fever of 100.4, so he took some baby ibuprofen and we cuddled on the couch and he dozed off and on. (If you know Clayton, you know this is strange - he HATES just sitting around on the couch and would never just fall asleep sitting there in my arms). He seems to be feeling better today and only ever threw up that once.

I was going through old videos the other day, and just thought I would share this one. It is from 7 months ago - hard to believe he was ever that tiny and helpless. He had rolled over from tummy to back the day before (twice! and not even a month old) and we were just trying to get him to do it again for the camera - of course he never did...


  1. What a happy little boy! Good job mom and dad!

  2. Yah, you should see all the pictures I had to take before I got a good one! ha ha. Maybe I'll post those tomorrow! :)
