Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tired baby!

Reese fell asleep in the car on the way home from the store today, in the middle of playing it looks like. So cute!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


That's Me! Just ask Reese, he'll tell you! He's been saying it for a couple of weeks, and I have suspected he was calling me Mama, but last night I was sure. He had been down for bed for a couple of hours when he started fussing, so I went in to him and and he was sitting there and when I came up to him he stopped crying and said "Mama." It was so sweet and just melted my heart!

Here are just some pictures!
Breakfast one day last week. I think that is baby oatmeal and peaches - since he has to do it, it's EVERYWHERE
Relaxing one evening before bed time with a cup of juice

And this is what the boys are doing RIGHT NOW

watching Disney's "Cars"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reese looking out the Window

Much to my surprise the other day, I looked up to see Reese standing on the step we had put under the window for Clayton to use to see out better. For the longest time he was just standing all the way up on it with just one foot - the other one just stepping in mid air because he was too far off to the side. I'm sorry I missed a picture of that! By the time I had gotten the camera out he had stepped down the floor.

Reese is nothing if not photogenic!

Reese wants to be big just like his brother!

The step got pushed back leaving Reese all but dangling from the  window sill - he did NOT like that

He also did a fairly decent job of crawling up the basement steps for a first timer!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Clayton's Bubble Bath

I'm not sure why I never thought to buy bubble bath before but I bought a bottle of Mr. Bubble for Clayton and he was fascinated to say the least. We had a really fun bath time last night!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Reese Playing Before Bed

A cute scene of Reese not wanting to go to bed so he can play longer with Grandpa Mark and Grandma Dianne.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nummy Peas

Reese has been taking quite a different food journey than I would have imagined and it's been interesting to watch. I started him on baby cereal and then baby food at about 5 months and he didn't really get into it. So a little after he was 6 months old I started giving him actual food like ripe bananas and pear slices and steamed sweet potato "chips" that he could pick up and feed himself and he LOVES IT. I decided to go back to baby food a little bit, and tried one of Beech Nut's 2 1/2 stage varieties, peas and carrots. It's thicker and has more texture, like tiny chunks. He did OK with it as long as I gave him the spoon. He wants nothing to do with me putting it in his mouth. I'm thinking I will just keep introducing the finger foods! Since he is crawling with his belly off the floor, that means he can learn a pincer grasp, and he is getting better at it everyday!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Love the Fall Weather!

It means cute new jackets and hoodies to wear! I went all out with the picture editing too!!

And some more of Reese since he holds still a little better!
A blue and yellow Duo Tone

What they call "Cinema Scope"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

He's Cruising!

In the 4 days it has been since I took this video, Reese is already doing the cruising thing so much more! I can tell he just wants to take off and run after his big brother!
Did you notice at the end of the 1st segment how he dove away from the table? Too funny! And it's not till the end when you see him make those cautious little side steps. Also, don't mind the couch potato toddler in the background!

Monday, September 10, 2012

One Month from Now

One month from now, my dear sweet baby will be two years old! It's so hard to believe that Clayton is growing up so fast. We checked his height and weight today and he is 26 lbs and 33 1/2 inches tall. He has all the classic two year old mood swings and temper tantrums but is also very eager to learn and do things on his own. The new thing this week is that he has to buckle the straps on his booster seat himself! If you do it for him he has an absolute fit! He can do it with very little assistance lining the ends up. I have also noticed his language skills increasing a lot lately. For example, he seems to have started to understand the use of pronouns and when he falls or gets hurt he says "I tough." We always say "Clayton's tough" we have never said "I tough", so he put that together himself! He also seems to have finally settled on words for grandma and grandpa- "mee mow" and "pop pop." He tries to say anything and everything even if it comes out all jumbled. One of my favorites right now is octopus (he has a pair of PJs with one on the shirt) - he says "pu us" with the two "you" sounds all slurred together in an adorable Clayton way. He will also say "wuv you" to me before bed or nap time with out being prompted! Melts my heart!!

Here is what he was up this evening that Darrel caught on video. I think what is the most astounding is that the cat just lay there the whole darn time!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hop on Pop

This is so funny, I think I have watched it at least three times and it always makes me laugh!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Reese is 7 Months Old

He weighs about 16 lbs. and is 27.25 inches long. He has been crawling all over the place so it was hard to get a good picture, but I did get one (or two)! He is eagerly pulling himself up to standing and is thinking hard about cruising around on the furniture and various toys!

For your enjoyment, the 7 month old photo shoot:
He looks way too little to be doing that!

So happy!

And some cute little videos!

You'll notice he ended that by depositing his left over lunch all over me . . .

After his nap, Clayton tried to climb into Reese's crib, so I helped him get in then put Reese in too. How cute!

Monday, September 3, 2012

He Crawled!!!

Yesterday, Daddy dumped out the bag of blocks to build a tower with Clayton, and Reese high-tailed it across the room to join them with a real crawl!