Both boys love to play with Harvey, he turned 6 months old on April 12th. Clayton especially likes to be "his friend" and keep him entertained and happy for me while I get a bottle for him or help another kid!
Playing with Harvey 4/8/15 |
Clayton colored this at home for Earth Day, (Wednesday, April 22nd). He is doing a good job of trying to stay inside the lines. He did the rainbow last, and I had to really push to get him to stay focused and finish it, but he mostly told me the order of the colors for the rainbow, but we argued a little about if blue or purple should come after green. I think he thought that purple was LAST and didn't care what had happened to the blue line (there just weren't enough spaces). He was happy enough to color it purple even though I insisted it should be blue. Good for him!
The boys built this waffle blocks house together on Saturday morning while I was nursing Wyatt. They had a plan, (first the floor, then the walls, then the ceiling is last), and they did a good job of cooperating to get it done! (They'be been watching Bob the Builder! haha)