I was not disappointed. I hope I remember to ask these questions again next year or 6 months from now to see how the replies will change. For now, he didn't seem to understand all the questions 100%, and he seemed to have some trouble switching subjects when I asked a new question (there is a birthday series, it'll be obvious if you read through his replies).
The one thing that in all seriousness melted my heart though, is his answer to when he feels the most loved. He answered "when I have supper." It's one of the only times we are all together during the day, talking and eating (usually eating) as a family. Makes it an even bigger priority to me to have family meals!
Well here are the questions and his replies!
What is the meaning of life? Going on a bike ride with a school
What do you want to be when you grow up? “I will grow up bigger
like daddy”
What brings you the most happiness? I run and jump in a bounce
When do you feel the most loved? When I have supper
What are you afraid of? My monster
If you had one wish, what would you wish for? For a big steam
roller for my birthday
What is the funniest word? Happy Birthday
What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? Hardest – pop balloons
Easiest –go to the football game and see the band.
What is the best/worst thing in the world? Best – Go to the lake
and ride grandma’s boat. Worst - having
to go home from the lake (this reply was pretty coached as he didn't seem to understand the word "worst")
What makes you mad? I be all done crying (I think he was still talking about leaving the lake)
What is the meaning of love? When I go to Wendy’s and eat
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with
it? I would take it home.