Friday, December 13, 2013

Re-Discovering Snow

The day it snowed last week the boys were both sick, and it was waaaay too cold to let them go outside and play in it. Clayton was pretty disappointed (I don't think Reese knew what he was missing). Clayton and I finally got our chance on Tuesday afternoon to check out the snow covered yard and he had a blast. I pulled him around in our little sled and made "snow tracks" and then Clayton pulled it around for a while. Then we went into the  backyard and found some kitty tracks, made some tracks with our own boots, and even saw that the sand box was covered in snow (I was actually worried that he was going to cry about it, but he ended up being OK). Finally we learned that the slide had snow on it too! (And, it's not that cold).
I just love that Clayton can talk and express himself so that we get a little glimpse of what's going on in his 3 year old mind!

Happy to be crunching the snow

watching his "snow tracks"

Oh yah, the wheel barrel has snow too!


  1. In that second picture the perspective makes Clayton look super tall!

  2. Also, by second I mean first and make sure to thank Clayton for the cred in the video! Hahaha
