Thursday, August 29, 2013

Reese's Epic Tantrum

Reese threw some kind of epic temper tantrum on Tuesday night through bath and bed time. I think it might have something to do with the new tooth he seems to be cutting on the bottom right side, but still it was a pretty tragic event. In the end, after we had some how bathed him and got him in PJs, he didn't want to read stories with Daddy and Clayton, covered my mouth with his hand if I tried to sing, and he was throwing his pacifier and blanket if we tried to give it to him, so he was rolling on the floor and eventually ended up on his tummy and backed up onto Clayton's bed, feet first so that he was upside down. This helped him stop crying for a little bit but would start up again if approached. (I wondered if being upside down helped the tooth not to ache so much?)

I even pulled out the video camera, but I didn't get any of the "good" parts. I had hoped to catch him backing up onto the bed, but he was done with that by the time I pulled it out. But here is a little snippet anyway:

I ended up taking him back out to the living room so Clayton could have some peace and was able to calm Reese down by showing him our family pictures on the wall and talking to him about them. I also had a cool, wet washcloth for him to bite on, which turned into a funny game when I was trying to show him how I wanted him to bite it. Shortly after that the ibuprofen we'd given him must have finally kicked in, because he accepted his blankey and pacifier and snuggled up, allowed me to sing our "goodnight song" (Baby Mine from Dumbo) and laid in his crib and then went to sleep with out another fuss.

At times like these, I'm sure grateful for a sense of humor, because when I've tried everything else and he still won't calm down, the only thing left to do is try to laugh to myself about it! Well, and take some pictures ;)

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