Thursday, May 30, 2013

Memorial Day Camping Trip

Camping on Memorial Day weekend with the Petersen side of the family has become a tradition (we didn't sleep over last year with baby Reese, but we did spend the day) and we've been doing it since I was pregnant with Clayton. (And probably before but I can't remember that far back!)

We got this huge tent to accommodate our family:
Daddy, proud of setting it up for the 1st time on our backyard a few weeks ago
Here are a few pictures documenting the fun times we had!

Yes, my boys need planned activities to go camping. Just exploring nature is not enough to keep them occupied 24/7, and you can forget eating and sleeping so we had to keep them busy and engaged. I had the idea of a sensory bin. I bought a 20 lb bag of rice and filled a plastic tub up with it and added small containers, measuring spoons (for digging and filling) Also the leaves and flowers from some fake flowers  (for "planting") and pipe cleaners. Reese enjoyed throwing it (he liked the sound it make when it landed on the tarp I think) and Clayton really got the hang of doing a lot of fun things. We buried cookie cutters and even poured "glasses of milk" to "drink." I have to admit that it was fun to just run your hands through the rice. I can't wait to try out more types Sensory Bins this summer!

Clayton is pouring "milk" into my cup

Mr. Smiley!

The best part about doing it on the tarp is that when we were done, we just dumped the rice right back into the bin. Clean up was a breeze!

There are no pictures from it but down the way from us there were a group of people camping with their horses. Clayton and Reese loved to go for walks to go see them! The first time we went to see them, as we approached, Clayton informed us that the "horses have big tails." So proud of him for observing and commenting on what he saw. Reese became a pro at imitating the sound of the horses' whinny.

Grandma Dianne was kind enough to supply a little blow up pool for the boys to splash in. It was a perfect place for them to cool off and a just big enough for Mommy (and Aunt Amy) to dip our feet in.
You can see our tent there in the back. Look at that water flying out!

Of course flinging the water out was the most fun

And of course the ever classy shot of a toddler riding a trike in a diaper

We had planned on staying 2 nights but ended up leaving on the second evening due to such a high chance of rain during the night and following morning, plus the boys were done. They slept slightly better than "bad" and had hardly eaten anything because apparently eating outside isn't an acceptable toddler activity. It was a good thing too because Grandpa Mark informed us later that when they woke up in the morning there was about an inch of standing water where our tent had been. It's a lot of work to take two small children camping, but when they were having fun they were having the time of their lives!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Clayton's Daytrip

Clayton got a special treat today! He got to take a little trip with Great Grandpa Branz and Daddy to Lincoln to trade in the old farm 4-wheeler and pick up the new one. Looks like he got to "test drive" the vehicles at the dealership and had a really great time! Daddy says that he kept saying "motorcycle" over and over.
Trying out a youth sized 12 yr + 4-wheeler

"Riding" a Motorcycle

Afterwards, they ate chicken nuggets, french fries and ice cream at McDonalds for lunch. Clayton and Great Grandpa both napped on the way home!

So Reese and Mommy hung out together this morning which was nice. He can't say he didn't have any fun either! All four of us drove out to the farm in the morning so Darrel could switch Clayton's car seat into the truck and both boys got to ride in tractors, in the big grain truck and in the 4-wheeler (all strapped in on the trailer). Then Reese and Mommy came back home, had snacks and went for a short walk and got to hang out with Grandma at her house without a big brother to get in the way and share toys with. Then we came home to have lunch and Grandpa Mark joined us on his lunch break (he has now started working at the construction on the high school here).

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Weekend for Aunt Amy's Graduation Party

Last weekend we were in Lincoln for Aunt Amy's college graduation. We started off on Friday evening by going to a high school graduation party for Tanner, a family friend. It was a joint party with some of his friends and they finished the night with a dance that they DJed themselves. Clayton and Reese enjoyed the loud music and crazy lights. Clayton even joined in while a lot of us younger adults did the Macarena! It was so adorable how he tried to participate and I sure wish someone had been taking video! He also thought that YMCA was fun. Later, when we were trying to get ready to leave he started running in circles around Tanner's older sister, Tiffany. It was pretty hysterical!
(That is Tanner dancing with his mom and then signing in the video, by the way)

When we got home, both boys were pretty zapped and actually slept pretty well that night (which is an accomplishment since they don't like to go to sleep at Grandma Dianne's house!) Reese was so tired he couldn't even hold the pouch he was eating as a bed-time snack with his hands, he just held it in his mouth and sucked it out!
Look Mom - no hands!

Here are some pictures of the boys enjoying themselves (or not) at Amy's party on Sunday evening:
Clayton great Aunt Charlotte teaching him to make a mess with a cup of water

Reese being sweet

Reese being a silly goose! Look at that face - I sure wish we knew what he was thinking!

The boys fighting over the Excavator

Playing semi-nicely with it togther

Reese playing "peek" between the banisters

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Loading the Truck

I have a lot to catch up on here but here is a fascinating video I just took tonight of Clayton practicing loading things. I guess this is why most guys are so good at things like Tetris and loading luggage in cars - lots of practice playing as little boys. He had been doing it when I came out from putting Reese down for bed and I saw him load and unload the truck three times, I don't know how many times he did it, but he was sure intent!

It is kind of long, but like I said, I find it fascinating - like a little window into how his mind is working at solving problems.

Also I seem to be having trouble getting YouTube and Blogger to get my video embedded in the post like  usual so you will just have to click on that link above to go to YouTube and watch it. Sorry about that!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nap Time

Sorry for not posting. We are just so busy finally enjoying the nice weather!

Looks like Clayton may have fallen asleep trying to read books today for naps! When I opened the door to check on them a little bit ago I panicked a little to see Clayton's empty bed until I peeked around the corner to see him fast asleep in the Rocking Chair.

So while I was in there I snapped a picture of Reese sleeping in his crib too!
Just perfect. Both of them!

Monday, May 6, 2013

15 Months!

Little Mr. Reese is 15 months old now (as of yesterday!) and he just had his check-up this morning. He is about 30.5 inches tall, weighs about 21 pounds according to the scale at the Dr.'s office, but I might double check that at home since on our scale he barely weight 19.5 lbs a month ago. He checks out great and will just need his next round of shots and then back for another check up at 18 months (if we can stay out of there due to illness between now and then that would be great!)

Reese's vocabulary is sure expanding. He has been saying "bye bye" and waving for quite a while now, he of course says dadda and mamma, uh-oh, wow and "itty" (for kitty). His newest additions are "binky" and "ellow" (for yellow), particularly flowers but can point out other yellow things like balls and blocks). He has been saying ball as well as throwing it. He is working on saying "book" I think but any book in his possession is destroyed (he bends them backwards until the binding snaps) within seconds so he doesn't get to be around books as much as his brother was at this age. He said truck once or twice a few weeks back but I haven't heard it since, although I haven't worked with him on it either. He probably has at least several more words that I can't think of right now, and he also communicates very well with his own made up "sign language."

Also, we are happy to report that Reese seems to be official out of the "big bed" and in his crib full-time for naps and at night. He hasn't slept in our bed for at least 2 weeks and it was just once (on my birthday actually) and it had been a while prior to that. He still wakes up a minimum of 3 times per night and nurses at least one of those times (he wishes every time but if it has been less than 4 hours since he last nursed I just make him lay back down) and he does go back to sleep with minimal crying and it's getting easier and easier each week. He is also sleeping later in there and I am able to let him hang out in his crib for a while after he and Clayton wake up and I think they "talk" to each other and I know this morning Clayton was doing something goofy to make him laugh. (Oh, I wish I had a video baby monitor!)

We spent about an hour at the park today after his Doctor's appointment and I'm amazed at how well he climbed all the steps and then fearlessly went down the tall tornado slide (at Miller Park) all by himself! He and Clayton had so much fun going up the steps and down the slide and around to start all over again. They also had a lot of fun on the swings!
1, 2, 3 . . . WEE!!!

On the "big boy" swing since there is only 1 baby swing

Friday, May 3, 2013

Daddy and Reese Cuddles

So sweet - here is Daddy reading a bedtime story to Reese on Sunday evening. We had a long day, traveling to Council Bluffs and back with my Grandparents (we rode in separate cars) to see my cousin Kaylla officially adopting her two step-daughters, Evelyn and Clara. It was a long day in the car, but worth the trip!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


We took Clayton to get his hair cut today and he was not pleased. Not pleased at all.
He was better with out the cape but still not thrilled.

But now he looks so handsome! I assume that eventually we will have warmer weather and Clayton will appreciate having less hair. . .

And here are two cute ones from this morning when Grandpa stopped by and Reese had fun taking his hat: