Friday, August 10, 2012

Reese's Check Up, and Clayton's Ouchy!

Oh, I should have posted all of this sooner - sorry again for going so long with out a post! Reese's 6 month check up was yesterday and it went really well, he is right on track for everything. His official weight was 15lbs 4 oz and a length of 26 1/4 inches. He had his shots today (horrible!) but luckily he is done with that until he is a year old!

On Tuesday afternoon, Grandma Ann Branz and I took Clayton and Reese to the pool (we have done this several times this summer). I don't think we were there 30 minutes and Clayton slipped climbing out of the pool and he split his chin open! It's a good thing grandma is a nurse, because I'm sure I would have taken him straight in for stitches, but she thought he would be OK with just some steri-strips she happened to have, so luckily it is on the mend with out any traumatic ER trips! The 1st set of steri-strips Clayton peeled off just a few hours later, but the 2nd set he left on all night and most of the next day, but after his nap they were gone (I hope he didn't eat them, but I never found them or the two band aids I had over them!)
Clayton's split chin 2 days after it happened! 8/9/12
And here is an example of some brotherly love:
Watching the new favorite move "Turtle's Tale"

Then Clayton getting mad because Reese is touching him
Actually, the other day, Clayton was playing and I sat Reese on the floor next to him so he could see what he was doing - Reese reached over and grabbed Clayton's leg and Clayton yelled out his version of the word stop, it goes something like "popspt." Oh, so funny!