Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Christmas Eve

We started off the day with the boys opening their big present and stockings from Mom and Dad. I got a hold of this Step 2 Train table (normally $99) for $30 from a local Ice Cream Shop that had a neat play corner for kids when they closed last month. (which was sad, but I'm glad I got them such an awesome present on our budget!!)

The boys had some cuddle time with Daddy!

Later, we went to a Christmas Eve Church Service in Gresham with Grandma and Grandpa as well as Great Grandma and Grandpa Branz. Then after supper we opened a couple of presents with the boys.
Clayton wasn't so interested in having his picture taken!
Reese with his Great Grandpa Branz

Oh, What could it be?

A Choo Choo Train!

Reese wanted to get in there and help!

Pretty Bag!

The bags are much yummier than the toys inside!!

OK, the toy looks fun after all!
 They also got some neat John Deer tractors and matching jackets from Great Grandpa and Grandma, but I didn't grab a picture!
Night Night, Grandpa!
We left from Great Grandpa and Grandma's house straight to the Petersen Grandparents that night. The boys slept for a little bit in the car, and then when we arrived they would NOT go back down! Clayton kept Grandma and Grandpa up till almost 1:00 am Christmas morning! Reese went to sleep with Mom and Dad a little after 11:00 pm. The next day was a little miserable for them since they were so tired, but they made the best of it, and it helps to have five adults around for sure! More Christmas Day pictures and/or videos to come!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Silly Boys This Morning

Here's just a few snippets of our morning!

Reese has been walking all around lately!

This is where I found Clayton this morning when I went to get him out of his room for breakfast. . .

Here is Reese at breakfast eating applesauce with his hands!

Yes, they keep me on my toes!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Clayton's Post-Nap Hair!

This video was from several days ago, sorry, I've had a hard time blogging this week for some reason. I just couldn't resist his crazy hair-do after his nap! I guess it's going to need cut soon!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Talking on the Remote?

Well, we are all home, enjoying a half snow day today and a full one tomorrow! The boys are sure glad when Daddy and Mommy are both home with them!

Here is a little video from Sunday of Clayton using our remote control as a phone apparently  You can hear him saying "oh, yeah" and "hello" it's cute!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Yesterday We Had Snow!

Clayton sure enjoyed the snow yesterday! It was snowing on our way to and from church and even though we didn't even have an inch, it was still really fun! We bundled him up and Daddy took him for a sled ride

Then later, we explored the snow on the back patio and Grandma and Grandpa's house
(I edited the above video on YouTube so that it would rotate clockwise, but it seems to be taking a really long time to process, sorry if it's still sideways!)

Little brother wanted to play too! :(

Friday, December 14, 2012

Playing Together

Well, this video isn't ground breaking cute or anything like that, but it is just an example of the boys playing together so sweetly. Clayton started using his blanket to play Peek-a-boo with Reese so I decided to record it! Of course Frosty the Snowman is playing in the background, because that is what we do here. All. Day. Long.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Watching Frosty

Both boys have really enjoyed watching Frosty the Snowman lately! I'm so glad that they have cute matching chairs to sit in while they watch so mommy can take nice pictures of it!

Reese is almost ready for nap time here - he looks so sleepy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Clayton's Comfy Spot

The past few days Clayton seems to enjoy this new spot he found in his closet to go look at books. It's little stuff like this that makes me miss me own childhood! This is the good stuff!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

From Daddy's Little Birthday Party

I guess I should have posted these pictures last week, but just haven't taken the time to get on the blog like I should!
Do you like my two and then seven candles in the shape of a 7 ?

The boys helping Daddy blow out his candles

"This bear is just my size!"

Both boys love to spin around in this chair! (It turns 360 degrees)

Clayton's new favorite game at Grandma's house is to run a push toy back and forth in a half circle behind the couch and into the living room, chasing Jesse (Grandpa and Grandma's dog). She loves the attention and probably needs the exercise, but it sure wears them both out! So here is Clayton giving Jesse some "nice pat pats" after she is all worn out and taking a rest.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reese is walking (just a little)

He still mostly crawls around, but ever so slowly he is starting to get a little more brave! He can make it up to halfway across the living room, but by then his feet usually find a toy and he just isn't coordinated enough yet to get around it. He always stops and sits down when he gets to the edge of the carpet though! This video was from Friday evening.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Clayton loved to lick the beater that made your cake! We did the same thing last year, remember?
He was trying to watch TV and wouldn't look at me

But when he does look you can see his beautiful brown eyes!

Such a a sweet expression

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reese is 10 Months Old!

Reese is 10 months old now. He is pretty much the same height and weight he has been the last two months, so I don't know what's up with that! He eats a lot, has plenty of wet and dirty diapers, he is happy and hitting milestones, I guess he just saving it up until right after he gets new clothes or something? He is up about a half an inch maybe to 28.5 inches long and has gained only half a pound or so and is up to 17 lbs 8 oz. Just like last month though he is just coming off of an illness so maybe that is why too. He is finally feeling better today and his nose is not so runny.

Still no walking to get around but he will take a few steps every so often. He has been waving bye bye really well now and says "buh buh buh" for bye bye!

Cute, but it looks like the cord is coming out of his head

It is so hard to get him to hold still now for a good shot. So I strapped him into Clayton's booster seat!
That's much better!

"How do I get outta here??"

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Cookies with Grandma Dianne

My mom came yesterday to help with the boys in the evening and bed time since Daddy had a late wrestling meet. She brought some Christmas cookie dough instead of her regular bag of toys and Clayton sure had a blast helping to cut out and then decorate the cookies.

While the cookies were baking, Clayton and Reese took some time out to crawl all over mommy! This happens a lot during the day but no one is ever around to take any pictures of it!
Reading the Poky Little Puppy

Reese is sooo big! And standing all by himself!

And finally, the video of cutting out the cookies and then some decorating! Clayton's favorite parts were eating the frosting right off the knife and shaking the sprinkles!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A not-so-typical December Day in Nebraska

The boys played outside for a little bit after lunch today in light jackets, seems so odd for December! But I think I remember doing that last winter too. They had fun and enjoyed the fresh air. Reese is not feeling to well (runny nose, a little cough, low fever). Clayton has had a runny nose as well, but I think it's hitting Reese a little harder. Mommy and Daddy have been fighting it this past week too.

Anyway, here are the pictures and a video. . .

Big Stick!
Little Stick!

 Then right after that stick picture, Reese picked up the big stick again, and when he went to put it in his mouth, he snapped it and it got him and he has a little ouchy under his lip.
Look at him trying to smile through the tears!