Friday, April 29, 2011

First Words?

So, last night Darrel and I both swear that Clayton said "up" !! He was playing with the toy lap top my parents got him for Christmas and there is a "mouse" (like actually the animal) and when you move it up or down the computer says "up" or "down." Right after he pushed the mouse and she said "up" Clayton said it too. We couldn't get him to do it again... I don't know if it counts or not??

He has also been saying what sounds like "key" for kitty for quite a while (like maybe three weeks or so) when we see our cats. We always tell him to say "here kitty, kitty, kitty" and he just goes "keeey keey keey" with extra emphasis on the kkkkk... I don't know if that counts or not??

For about a week and half now he will be in his walker or on the floor and will start yelling/crying "ma ma ma ma ma ma" until I come get him. I mean who else is really going to come get him? So it could just be a sound, or he could think that is me... I don't know if that counts or not??

For now I guess I just make note of it and see what happens next! :)

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