Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wyatt Playing Peek-a-boo

I swear he was doing this, but he just seems too little for it! He was just out of the bath and had his hands caught up in the towel and was covering and uncovering his face. So I started playing peek-a-boo with him. He kept going, so I thought I should record it or no one would believe me!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Working with Grandma and Papa

The boys love to do work at grandma's and papa's house. Last weekend (May 16th), Mommy and Daddy went to a movie and left all three boys there!

Clayton found a snake. He picked it up and it tickled his arm he said. So brave!

They helped plant and water flowers too. It looks like Clayton did a good job helping but Reese had some trouble. . .  Yes that's a full 2 gallon watering can, and no, I don't think any flowers got water! haha.

And Wyatt mostly hung out with Grandma - he's a little too little for work!

Clayton's Self-Portraits

One of the things they had in Clayton's preschool journal was pictures they had him draw of himself. It's amazing how far he has come from the beginning of the year.

I'm not sure when this was from exactly, but he's wearing mittens!

No date, but close to the end of the year.
And as a bonus:
All the boys ~ 5/24/15

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Clayton's Last Day of Preschool

Today is Clayton's last day of preschool (and he had to wear a winter coat!!) They spent the morning at the park.

Yesterday, Clayton's class had a Parent Appreciation program and just a partial day of school. Both mommy and daddy (and Wyatt, but he was asleep) got to go, so that was nice.
Singing Pete the Cat - I Love my White Shoes

Singing a silly song - Tootie Ta (or something like that)

Receiving his "Firecracker Award"

With teachers Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Nickel

Firecracker Award - for being full of spunk and energy!

The kids all wrote a sort of letter about their parents to give us. Here's Clayton's:

They planted a flower for us too.

They also sent home a picture book of memories, and a folder of stuff that he's done all year. We've had a really good experience with our first year of school!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mother's Day

We had a lot going on last Sunday!

After church and Sunday School, we met Daddy's family at the farm for lunch with Great Grandparents Fred and Pat, and Great Uncle Karl and Aunt Cindy were in town to visit. Grandma and Papa were there too!

After dinner Mommy and Wyatt left for Crete to see her cousin who graduated from Doane, but Daddy and Clayton and Reese stayed at the farm to play. They had a lot of fun playing in the corn I know, since Papa sent me this video. They played hard and got all worn out!

Wyatt didn't really like being in his carseat ALL day but he did have fun snuggling with lots of different people when he got the chance to be out.

Already learning to be ornery with Aunt Amy!

He even got to snuggle with mommy, some.
He spent some time talking to mommy, which Grandma Dianne got on video. So sweet! <3

Shortly after,  he rolled over, for the FIRST time ever. We didn't have video recording then, but we caught the next one!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fire Station Visit!

Wyatt took his very first trip to the fire station to visit Papa last night!

Although I think Clayton and Reese might have had a little more fun!

Wyatt in the back of the truck with Daddy. . . Look at those chubby cheeks!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Three months old!

Happy three months old to this cutie today. Little stinker wouldn't smile for me though. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Wyatt Likes Baby Talking

He loves his big brother Clayton soooo much!!! (From Thursday, 5/7/15)

He also had some smiles for big brother Reese that morning!

Wyatt is also getting really good at holding up his head and chest during tummy time. (Taken 5/6/15)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Grandma Dianne's Birthday

It was Sunday, but the boys and I celebrated with her on Saturday by shopping for flowers in York with Aunt Amy too (that was interesting with all three boys) and then all headed back to Lincoln together for a little birthday supper.

Aunt Amy caught some smiles from Wyatt:
And she really enjoyed chasing the big  boys around and keeping them entertained all day! Here they are swinging together at Grandpa and Grandma's house.

Grandpa Mark and the boys had fun blowing raspberries on Wyatt's tummy while he got changed into his PJs before we went home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

12 Weeks Old, and other cute pics!

Wyatt is 12 weeks old today! He'll be officially 3 months in just 5 days!! He is an amazingly chilled out baby. He waits patiently for me to come feed him in the morning when he wakes up, it's beyond sweet! Wyatt is mostly sleeping through the night (for a week or two now), he eats for the last time around 7 or 8 pm then sleeps all the way through until 3 am or 5 am, somewhere in that range. He sleeps well alone in  his crib and uses a pacifier or sometimes his thumb/fingers to self soothe to sleep.
Wyatt Daniel ~ May 5, 2015 ~ 12 Weeks Old

Here he is "enjoying" his frog towel he got for Easter:
Taken 4/30/15

Clayton and Reese demonstrating to Wyatt how the toys on the bouncey work (From April 28)

Also from April 28, some really sweet pictures of Wyatt and Reese