Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Little Climber

This is how Clayton entertained himself this afternoon for the better part of 20 minutes I would say. . . Do they make jungle gyms for babies?!?!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cute Hat and . . . TEETH (finally)

So this post was supposed to go up on Friday, Sept 23, but for some reason it did not! : ( So here it is, pretend that it's last Friday. . .

Yesterday, I bought Clayton this adorable new hat for winter. I love that it will cover his ears and it is a cute little monster for my monster! I don't think it will be keeping his ears very warm though... I tried to take a picture and he can rip it off in RECORD TIME!

1st Attempt - too quick for the camera!

There it is! Mommy is holding it on though.

And he's not too happy about it....

"What is that horrible thing?!"

"Mommy...? Why?!""

And if you look REALLY close you can see his two bottom teeth!
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Bed Head

Well, we have officially moved into our own house in York (as of Monday I would say since that was our first night there) and Clayton has sure been busy checking out his new surroundings. He had some trouble sleeping yesterday for naps and didn't sleep very well Monday night. So he ended up taking a nap with mommy on her bed yesterday late morning. So this is what Daddy got to see when he came home on Tuesday for lunch --

That's our goofy baby with his wild child hair! He had a much better night last night, and his morning nap is already going better than yesterday's!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Go Big Red !!

This is from last week's game when we went to my parents' house in Lincoln to watch the game, but Clayton says "Go Huskers!"
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Binky Sharing!

Well, for the 2nd post today since this was too adorable not to share right away, Clayton is learning to share his toys. Over the last week he has started to hand us things he has (like rocks outside or whatever else he carries around with him). He is even getting to the point where if I hold out my hand and ask him to give me something he usually will. This evening he wanted to share his binky with his Daddy, and even teach him how to use it correctly!

Kicking the Ball!

This isn't the best video of it, but Clayton loves to kick his ball around (that we got for $1 - awesome). He loves to kick it inside or out, and now he even likes to pick it up and try to put it above his head!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Clayton Made a Video

Clayton swiped the video camera the other day and so I turned it on real quick and this is the video that he made. . .

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh, Clayton!

I couldn't decide which in these series of pictures was the best, so I decided to post them all. What funny facial expressions he comes up with!!!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

11 Months Old (Yesterday!)

Whoops! I forgot to post yesterday for Clayton's 11 month birthday.  He measured about 29 inches and weighed 20lbs 3ozs. It's so hard to believe that he will be a year old in a month! It is sneaking up so quickly.

In other news, Darrel and I took Clayton out to the farm so that we could get some things (like 18 month size clothes since he is starting to out grow the 12 month stuff) that we have had in "storage" there. We rode around on the ranger again, and he had he first tractor ride, which I think he thought was pretty cool!!

We also kicked his new ball around for a while before heading back home for a nap!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Clayton's Version of a Headstand

When I showed this video to Darrel he thought maybe Clayton was trying to read his book by osmosis! This was from earlier today, and that is normally how he stands up, except for instead of staying on his head he actually just stands, ha ha.

New Skill, New Lake Video

Clayton's new skill for the week (we started noticing it on Monday and he has perfected it since then) is that he can stand up all by himself, not using anything to pull himself up. The other thing he has been doing for a while is squatting down to pick something up and getting right back up without sitting in between. That ability is probably what led to being able to stand up. It's so cute to watch him get up, he sort of "tripods" out, using his hands and sometimes his head to stabilize himself. I'll have to try to catch it on video sometime!

Here is a video from when we first arrived at the cabin last weekend and Clayton was exploring all around!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jello Mold and a Spatula...

. . . That is all a 10, almost 11 month baby needs to have some fun I guess!!

Last Week's Pictures

Here are some loveable shots of the little stinker from last week that never made it onto the blog!

Look at that mess mom!

Attacking Chloe

Please take me outside!

Attacking Lacey
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It's been a long time...

My deepest apologies for not posting for so long. I have been trying to keep Clayton busy and happy and adjusting to our new environment and I just haven't taken the time to get back in the habit of blogging. We just came back from spending the last weekend of the 'summer' at Johnson Lake. Clayton had a blast outside even though it was too cold to get in the water. He still likes to swing and walk all around the big back yard. So we just got home and put Clayton in a basket, which he enjoyed immensely for about 5 minutes! I'll try to catch you up on last week's activities soon! : )

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